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Downtown Tampa Gets a Taste of New York with New Breakfast Sandwich and Chopped Cheese Hub



NY Chopped Cheese in Tampa

We love a good breakfast sandwich — and a new food truck is setting down roots in the heart of downtown Tampa to serve the savory, handheld classic: bacon, egg, and cheese (salt-pepper-ketchup). This truck also brings the famous pork roll (Taylor Ham) sandwich to 411 N Florida Avenue.

In addition to New York classics, this food truck is also dishing up authentic Chilean cuisine. Indulge in the churrasco (steak and avocado), huevos a gusto, barros jarapa, and a Chilean spin on a loaded hot dog.

Tiger Stripe Boba Tea to Tampa

The NY Chopped Cheese

More must-try items include:

  • Loaded home fries
  • New York chopped cheese: burger, cheese, onion, peppers with the lettuce and tomato on a roll
  • The hungry man: eggs, bacon, ham, sausage, home fries and cheese on roll
  • NJ pork roll

Another special item they’ve teased is the new shrimp and cheese empanada. This is the food truck’s second location; they also operate out of Brandon. Follow Bacon Egg N Cheese on Instagram for updates on new menu items.
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